Robots Turquie

Les robots vont nous mettre au chômage. On devrait s’y préparer maintenant, avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

Une tribune (en anglais) de Larry Elliott pour The Guardian s’appuie sur l’ouverture récente de l’épicerie Amazon Go, sans personnel de vente, pour inciter à prendre la mesure de la robotisation en cours.

Le directeur de la rubrique « Économie » du Guardian conclut en évoquant le revenu de base :

But the dislocation will be considerable, and comes at a time when social fabrics are already frayed. To ensure that, as in the past, technological change leads to a net increase in jobs, the benefits will have to be spread around and the concept of what constitutes work rethought. That’s why one of the hardest working academics in Davos last week was Guy Standing of Soas University of London, who was on panel after panel making the case for a universal basic income, an idea that has its critics on both left and right, but whose time may well have come.

Illustration : © Anadolu Agency/Getty Images.