Le discours de Scott Santens à la Chambre des communes du Canada

Scott Santens, militant pour le revenu de base, a récemment prononcé un discours devant la chambre basse du Parlement canadien.

Il en propose désormais le texte (en anglais) sur son site, en plus de l’enregistrement audio. Dans cette courte déclaration, s’appuie sur l’arrivée de camion autonomes et les destructions d’emplois associées pour appeler à l’étude et à la mise en place d’un revenu de base bénéficiant à l’ensemble de la population, en distribuant les richesses produites de manière équitable.

Don’t be fooled into thinking this is just about eliminating driving jobs. The automation of vehicular transport will ripple through the economy. Think of cars and trucks as blood cells in a circulatory system, carrying oxygen throughout the body in the form of income and spending. There are businesses that depend on drivers spending their money. There are businesses that depend on car ownership. There are businesses that depend on vehicles getting into accidents, parking, and requiring insurance. These businesses are themselves then depended upon by other businesses, and so on like falling dominoes.

The challenge that lies ahead for lawmakers is in helping guide this process in a way that doesn’t discourage its advancement, but enables it to flourish and leaves as many people better off as possible. This means not just assisting people in learning new skills for new jobs, but also creating a safety net that acknowledges the transformation of work in this 21st century of great uncertainty.

Illustration : © Scott Santens.

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