Baby steps on the road to a basic income

Baby steps on the road to a basic income

Un article en anglais de Socrates Schouten pour le Green European Journal fait le point sur les expérimentations, modestes, lancées dans sept villes des Pays-Bas.

But do the experiments with supplementary benefit reveal anything about the basic income, considering they have been so modified? Sjir Hoeijmakers: “Experiments are limited, but not useless. You need political will and a good team of researchers and administrative backup. That’s why it’s such a pity that the Dutch scheme has been devised so defensively. In other countries there are fantastic, well-devised experiments: good research setup, sufficient capacity, general consensus.

Les conditions, les buts, les contours et l’accompagnement des expérimentations sont évidemment des enjeux politiques forts et conditionnent les enseignements qui en seront tirés.

Illustration : © DR.