États-Unis : le district de Columbia publie un rapport sur le revenu garanti

Un article de Quentin Mathys  pour Basic Income News présente le rapport récemment publié par le service budgétaire du conseil du district de Columbia.

Le document, d’une quarantaine de pages, compare différentes approches en vue de fournir un  revenu minimum garanti à l’ensemble des habitant·e·s, avec un financement local.

The paper […] discusses the existing monetary and in-kind entitlements benefits, supports, and maintenance provided by the federal and District governments to low and moderate-income residents. According to the authors, the existing social safety net is strong enough to allow households who have full access to the public benefit programs to meet their basic needs. However, as Ryan Harrison underlines in his article about the report, households most in need for assistance do not qualify for the cash grants available, due to the work requirements of these means-tested policies.

À noter que les montants présentés par le rapport traitent du budget brut, et non net, d’un revenu minimum garanti.


Illustration : CC0 Brandon Mowinkel.