Revue de presse jeu vidéo : août 2018

Des liens de fond autour du jeu vidéo, loin de l’actualité quotidienne trépidante. Articles, vidéos, émissions, et autres formats longs.

Shigeru Miyamoto, le producteur roi – Oscar Lemaire / Ludostrie ?

Au-delà du rôle promotionnel, au-delà du fait de raconter, pour la millième fois, comment il a conçu le premier niveau de Super Mario Bros., à quoi sert exactement Miyamoto ?

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – Comme dans un rêve – Antistar ?

L’heure est donc venue de vous expliquer pourquoi un titre vieux d’un quart de siècle, publié sur une console portable à l’écran quasi illisible et dotée de deux boutons d’action, intégralement en noir et blanc, est encore à ce jour le jeu vidéo m’ayant le plus marqué, ému, et demeure l’intouchable élu de mon cœur de joueur.

Gaming’s toxic men, explained – Colin Campbell / Polygon ?

What follows are interviews — under a variety of rubrics — with 11 writers and academics who have studied and published useful work on the problem of misogyny and racism in gaming and in popular entertainment. Most have experienced harassment and abuse from toxic gamers.

How Pro Gamers Live Now: Curfews, Personal Chefs, And All Of It On Camera – Maddy Myers / Kotaku ?

The trend of esports pros all bunking in one house started two decades ago in South Korea, with StarCraft pros. In the early 2000s, Brood War players Lim “BoxeR” Yo Hwan and Hong “YellOw” Jin-ho moved into a gaming house and inspired other pro gamers to follow suit. Some of the pros in the Championship Gaming Series in 2007 described coming up in the pro scene while living in similar gaming houses.

Team Liquid, an esports organization founded in 2000, used to have gaming houses for its esports teams. Everybody did. Many teams still do.

The life of a Grand Theft Auto role-player – James Dator / Polygon ?

Cone pulls his car up to the ping on the map, and is immediately met with a hail of gunfire that rips into the vehicle. He’s down. The last thing he sees is his fiancée, running for her life — before she is gunned down as well. The ambush was set by The Condemned, the largest motorcycle gang in the city. Cone knows who killed him, but can’t act. Doing so would break the roleplay, which is a bannable offense. The attack leaves him angry and confused.

If Ubisoft wants to cling on to Clancy, it’s time to talk politics – Edwin Evans-Thirlwell / Eurogamer ?

« Techno thriller » is the label given to all this, but I wonder whether a better one is « military procedural ». As with accounts of crime scenes in detective fiction, Clancy’s books are essentially about raising order from chaos, but where detective yarns celebrate the mess and dazzle of human intuition, Clancy’s sleekly choreographed infiltrations, airstrikes and gunfights are homages to something vast and unlovely – the resources and reach of the US war machine, its construction and mobilisation of time and space.

Another World – Jimmy Maher / The Digital Antiquarian ?

Vintage French games weren’t always the most polished or balanced of designs, yet they must still be lauded today for their willingness to paint in emotional colors more variegated than the trite primary ones of fight or flight, laugh or cry. Such was certainly the case with Éric Chahi’s Another World.

Le jeu vidéo est-il l’avenir de la musique ? – Mathilde Serrell / France Culture ?

Le jeu vidéo est-il l’avenir la musique ? En posant ainsi la question j’ai bien conscience qu’elle puisse provoquer quelques secousses. Pourtant sur le plan des compositions comme celui de la diffusion, une part de futur musical se joue bien dans les consoles.

En finir avec le remplissage – Game Next Door ?

God Of War ne serait-il pas un peu trop long ?

Parlons un peu du remplissage, phénomène bien trop courant dans le petit monde du jeu vidéo.

Comment Fortnite vous fait payer pour un jeu gratuit ? – Doc Géraud / Game Anatomy ?

On va s’intéresser à Fortnite et à son utilisation des principes de l’économie comportementale.

Ebb and Flow – Conversations on the recent momentum of Japanese games – Archipel ?

Starting end 2016, we saw the release of a succession of Japanese games
that were critically acclaimed both in Japan and overseas.

We met with some of their directors to discuss their views on this period
and on the state of the Japanese game industry.

Making Games Better for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing – Mark Brown / Designing for Disability ?

Video games are for everyone. But disabled people can be left out if developers don’t consider their needs.

In this series of videos, I’ll be sharing guidelines and best practices for making games more accessible to a wide range of disabilities. Starting with auditory options, for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Forging God of War’s Leviathan Axe – Mark Brown / Game Maker’s Toolkit ?

Kratos has used the same type of weapon for the last six God of War games. Now he’s using something completely different: the versatile, tactical, satisfying, and enjoyable new Leviathan Axe. In this video I look at what makes this weapon interesting, and how Sony Santa Monica came to design it.

Factor 5: Forgotten Heroes – Retroperspective on the Star Wars Factor – NX Gamer ?

Many companies have used the Star Wars licence to deliver bleeding edge technology and jaw dropping visuals. The recent Frostbite powered games are the modern equivalent of this even today, pushing current hardware to extraordinary heights that rival the films. But DICE were not the first and 1 Company really stood proud throughout the 80’s,90’s and Naughty’s.

From R-type to Rogue Leader, I take a journey through the huge franchise and a company that push tech as far as it would go.

Illustrations : © Ubisoft, Kathrine Anderson, CD Projekt, Epic Games.

